What is the alternative to the hitherto known tools for assessing candidates in selection? The technological progress of society and the development o...
Secure online selection versus blind employment
Desperate situations sometimes trigger desperate behavior. Watch it! Even though it is a crisis, you do not have to hire the first person who knows th...
Very often during the selection process the best candidates are the ones who have more work experience, but is this always the case?! When they were l...
One of the employers, while expanding his business, decided to take over a café that was closed for months due to co-owners’ property disputes. Aft...
Being proactive at work
…Contrary to this, here the young and the unemployed believe that no one will hire them and that nothing will change, so there’s no poi...
How to write a letter of recommendation?
The person reading a letter of recommendation sometimes doesn’t have a lot of time to read it. They will usually pay attention to relevan...
Interview – most commonly used employee selection method
Using traditional unstructured interview was called into question because if fails to predicts candidate’s abilities – the metric characterist...
Human resources, HR departments – a lot of names for the same thing
…before there were no human resources departments in work organizations, but „personnel departments“ which were responsible for employment a...
Work analysis
Work analysis is a systematized procedure of collecting and arranging data about a certain work. It is the first step in the process of forming the se...
„Head hunting“ or finding staff
In one scene of the movie „To kill a mockingbird“ the character of Atticus Finch played by Gregory Peck turns to little Scott and says: If you lea...
How to choose new people for your job?
Determining the necessary skills If you want to find the person suitable for the job, the first step is determining the competencies you require and d...
Questions for the selection interview
Some of the questions for the candidates that the employers can use in the selection interview are listed. They can be used in the same format for gen...
Employee absenteeism
Absenteeism is every form when an employee is absent from the workplace regardless of duration or its reasons. The most common causes of absenteeism a...